
Jul 2024

Strengthening Local Governance- Insights from a Collaborative Convening


We organised a stakeholder consultation on Strengthening Local Governance, in collabortion with National Coalition for Natural farming. The consultation aimed to understand pathways to build capacities for agriculture committees, fostering accountability in the Gram Sabha processes, and promoting cross-learning by sharing best practices in building systems for governance. The discussions saw the participation of 15 organizations representing diverse perspectives of close to 40 individuals. The partners engaged in enriching discussions on alternative models of governance like Vaagdhara’s Sovereignty model, RySS’s decadal experience in strengthening community organsiations, working closely with the Gram Panchayat to foster decentralised governance systems and PRADAN’s legacy work on engaging with National Rural Livelihood Mission and State Rural Livelihood Mission structures. The Alliance will be continuing this conversation with its partners to identify key opportunities available through various government structures and community-based organizations. These opportunities can be collectively leveraged to promote resilient agriculture practices at various levels, from national to village.

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